NOTE: The patched version is intended for Windows XP or older.
[p]The patched version will be easier to use with ChivaNet's RAS service, and is located here: Download Info.
Simply un-zip the downloaded ZIP file, and run install.bat, carefully following the prompts.
It is critical not to sign into AIM before install.bat terminates it, as doing so will fail. AIM needs to be restarted from its freshly-installed state to re-read the modified system registry entries.
Once this is done, please skip the remainder of the steps in this document, as they only apply to the un-patched download.
Installation on Microsoft Windows
This has been tested by ChivaNet staff to work perfectly on Windows XP. Simply run the downloaded EXE file.
Newer Windows versions may require workarounds for compatibility, though this has not yet been tested by ChivaNet staff.
Configuring for ChivaNet
Before signing in, you will need to configure AIM to work with ChivaNet's Retro AIM Server:
Click the Setup icon (looks like a yellow wrench) on the sign-on screen
Click the Connection button
Change the Host field from to (port 5190 is correct)
Click OK
Click OK once more
AIM should now be configured to work with ChivaNet's Retro AIM Server.
Modifying Hosts File for Buddy Icon Selector and AIM Today
To make AIM Today and the buddy icon selector preferences work correctly in this version of AIM, add the following to %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (for Windows NT/2000/XP/VistA/7/8/10/11) or %SystemRoot%\Windows\hosts (Windows 95/98/Me):
# additions for ChivaNet Retro AIM server
Note that on Windows 95/98/Me, the %SystemRoot%\hosts file does not exist by default, so you will need to create it yourself.
Installation on UNIX/Linux with Wine
Coming soon.
Getting Support
For client issues with the ChivaNet RAS server, check the Client Issues Megathread: View Thread.
Article Info
Last modified Feb 18, 2025 46 revisions Viewed 8402 times